How to Move Your Magento Store to Bisend?


Magento is a very popular eCommerce software for selling online. However, people tend to start with a budget-friendly web host because they don’t have much money to invest in a well-developed server. As with their business growing, they need to develop their online stores. Upgrading the server seems the most urgent task, which will result in the process of Magento store migration to a new server.

The article will focus on the detailed information on how to move your Magento store from the existing hosting provider to Bisend. Although moving files involves little difficulty, you can break the website if you’re careless about what you’re doing.

Why Move to Bisend?

The answer is obvious: Bisend has the best Magento hosting service.

Easy Magento Installation

We allow customers to set up Magento with just 1-click. Our support experts are on hand to help with your problems in the process of Magento installation.


Bisend has Apache 2.x, PHP 7.0+ and MySQL 5.6+ support. Namely, we can offer full compatibility with Magento 2.0 version.

High Performance

Bisend is able to deliver speedy page loading times while keeping a consistently rock solid 99.9% uptime. Customers can choose between the Chicago and Hong Kong server location for lower latency and faster connection. Whichever location they select, they can benefit from 100% SSD-powered Magento hosting plan.

Enhanced Security

Bisend customize the server for Magento so that all its stores data are isolated from each other, besides we also apply server-level security patches regularly to avoid weak spots in software.

Cheap Pricing

Bisend ensures you get the best value that you can for your money. The starting price of Bisend Magento hosting is as low as $2.95/mo, after claiming our 64% discounts off. If you’re running a middle Magento store, you can opt for our Pro or Business Plan. And upon sign-up, you will be covered by a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Now, Starting Migrating Your Magento Store to Bisend…

Step 1. Backup the Magento MySQL Database

It is vital to backup and copy all of your data before switching to Bisend’s server. You should begin with creating a website and a database for your Magneto store, then you can start backing up and copying your database.

In the case of Plesk, the web hosting management tool allows you to quickly create the database dumps, store them or deploy previously created ones on the server. Your database dumps will be created in the SQL format and saved as ZIP archives. Now, follow the below instructions to save a copy of your Magento MySQL database:

Log into Plesk.

Go to Websites & Domains > Databases > Export Dump, then a new window will appear in front of you asking you to decide which directory you want the dump to be saved.

Select the checkbox next to “Automatically download dump after creation” to ensure the dump will be saved on the server as well as your local computer.

Click on OK button to start the backup.

If you have other database management tools like phpMyAdmin, myLittleAdmin or phpPgAdmin, you can also leverage their native functionality to set custom settings for the database dump or create a dump in another format.

Step 2. Transfer the Magento Filesystem

While it may be a little time consuming, the Magento filesystem is relatively easy to move.

If you have FTP access, you can begin the process of copying the files down to another location. Or, you can also use the feature in the Magento admin, go to System > Tools > Backups and run a System Backup:

If you are familiar with the command line and want to copy the entire Magento site to your local computer, you can try this:

Note that this method is feasible only when you have a relatively small site. Otherwise, you will need to spend dozens of hours waiting for the process finished.

After restoring the files, you should adjust the Magento configuration to new settings. To do it, open up app/etc/local.xml and enter the correct database information at the new location:

Step 3. Import the MySQL Backup to Bisend’s Server

Once the above options have been correctly altered, you can start restoring the database at the new location.

It is recommended to add several options in your Magento MySQL backup file before uploading it to Bisend. First, at the beginning of the SQL file, you should add:

Then, at the end of the file after all other queries, you should add:

To import the MySQL database backup, you can harness the power of Plesk included in your hosting account.

Log into Plesk.

Navigate to Websites & Domains > Databases > Import Dump, click on Upload tab and then Browse.

Select the ZIP archive of the MySQL database dump you created on your local computer.

Click OK to start the process.

Step 4. Move your Domain Name

Now you have done migration your Magento store to a new server at Bisend, but your domain is still indicating the old server, so you need to point the DNS system to your new location for it.

All you need is log into your domain name provider and go to the management area. Then, edit the A record to the IP of Bisend.

It might take up to 24 hours to complete the procedure. It is advisable that you put your old Magento site into maintenance mode to avoid new orders occurring at the old location. Once the DNS is updated, you can place an order at the new location.

Step 6. Refresh the Cache in Magento

To refresh the Magento cache, you can go to the System section and click Cache Management.

Then, select all of the segments and click on the Flush Magento Cache button in the top right.

Or, you can go to your Magento installation directory, and delete contents of the var/session and var/cache folders.

Step 7. Test your New Moved Magento Shop

The last step is to check if the transferred Magento store is actually working well with Bisend. You need to make sure your customers’ behaviors and reactions toward the new process of shopping. And also, just as what we have said in our previous article – How To Create A Magento Store – you can make use of a reliable analytics package like Google Analytics to reshape your marketing strategies and refine your store features.

And, don’t forget getting your Magento store secured with a premium SSL certificate. For an eCommerce site, an OV or EV SSL certificate is usually the best option to be SEO friendly, win customers’ trust, and extend brand recognition.

Wrapping Up

Take your time when moving your Magento store to Bisend; or, you’re amplifying the risks of making a costly mistake. Your original web host is still up and running, in other words, you are making sales even during the transition. There might be temporarily decreased search engine rankings with your Magento site. Don’t worry, it will recover very soon when everything goes fine and smoothly on Bisend’s server.