What Is ASP.NET MVC & Should You Use It?


There are many web developers who do not understand what is ASP.NET MVC. If you are a web developer and you are looking for a perfect tool for creating MVC web based applications, then this article has been particularly written for you. It will tell you what is ASP.NET MVC and why it needs to be used by web developers like you.

Now, proceed to the details.

This framework provides you with an ease of use and offers complete control to you when it comes to creating an excellent MVC web based application.

What is ASP.NET MVC?

What Is ASP.NETASP.NET MVC is an excellent framework which provides ultimate support for the pattern of MVC design to ASP.NET. If you want to understand how ASP.NET MVC works, you need to have a clear understanding of MVC. MVC- Model-View-Controller divides the patterns of applications in three parts – the model, the controller and the view.

  • The Model helps in storing the data of applications and its state. It is a database or it could be an XML file too.
  • The View is considered to be an interface of user which is used by the visitors of your website for seeing the data. ASPX pages are normally used for displaying view in the application of ASP.NET MVC.
  • The Controller holds the responsibility of handling the user’s interacting with the website. It is further used for the determination of the kind of view that needs to be displayed. It is also used for the purpose of model communication too.

ASP.NET MVC FrameworkAn alternative framework is also offered to the web forms of ASP.NET in order to create web applications on the basis of MVC. The framework is light in weight and is considered to provide extremely testable framework of presentation, which integrates with already existing features of ASP.NET like authentication based on memberships and master pages too.

Should You Use it?

We have searched a lot on the web and got the conclusion that you should use ASP.NET MVC Framework for the creation of web based applications or not. The reasons are listed as under:


One of the main benefits rendered by ASP.NET MVC is Separation of Concern. This framework offers very clean and neat separation of Model, business logic, user interface and data.


When you are using the framework of ASP.NET MVC, you are provided with a very powerful control on JavaScript, HTML and CSS as compared with the control that is offered by several traditional forms on the web.


ASP.NET MVC TestabiliyBy using ASP.NET MVC, you are able to test your web based applications in a better way. In addition, the framework lets you have a powerful support for the development of test generation for the applications as well. Therefore, if you want to test your web based applications before making them available to the users, you can simply use ASP.NET MVC.

Light in Weight

The framework does not make use of View State, helping you in reducing the requested bandwidths to a great extent. Many experts recommend using this framework if you are interested in creating amazing and useful MVC based applications on the web.

View and Size of Control

ASP.NET frameworks usually face the problem of view state and size of control of HTML. The view saves the entire data being rendered and the HTML files gets larger. If you have a really slow connection of internet, you will observe delay in loading times of websites and applications. This problem does not exist in ASP.NET MVC framework as it does not contain a concept of view in it. By using ASP.NET MVC, you are not going to face the issues with loading time.


ASP.NET MVC IntegrationYou can integrate ASP.NET MVC framework with Silverlight to get the best advantages out of it. The feature of client caching is made available with the help of this integration. It makes your applications run faster and most of the processing of your applications are done in the browsers. The execution of client and server side becomes faster to a great extent. However, when you integrate MVC with JQuery, you are able to write your code which runs in web browsers. It takes the entire load far away from your web server.


You do not need to have a lot of technical knowledge when it comes to using ASP.NET MVC framework. However, you will enjoy it after learning how it works. The framework is much better to be used as compared with many other website forms. The reason is that it works quite near to the working strategies of web and is considered quite easy and interesting to be used.

API Services

Another major advantage which is rendered by MVC is that it helps in adding API web services. If you want to add such services to your web based applications, then you definitely need to learn how these services work.