The Commonly Used Database Management Systems of Web Hosting


Database Management System (DBMS) plays an important role building website, which is just like a heart to a man. It is a basic consideration of web hosting service used to store, retrieve and manage all data on your website. To be honest, some newbies who step in this field for the first time may lack knowledge on DBMS and don’t know what it is used for as well as which type should be a solid choice for their websites. In this case, we reveal the usage of the database and list the top 3 common database management systems in the following.

What Is a Database Used for?

The most basic function of a database is storing information, like a post, the published data of this post, the comments for this post, etc. Besides, a database acts as a role of safeguard to protect collected data from leaking, stealing, and losing. For some readers attaching great importance to website security, databases do help them a lot. As information is collected together, it is easier to access any data and recall whatever you want in the shortest time. Generally speaking, a database is a good helper to make your site run better.

Top Commonly Used Databases Management Systems (DBMSs)

Database Management Systems are software applications designed for databases administration. MS SQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL are the three most popular DBMSs in the industry. Each of them has its particular features and should be used in a specific field. For many people who have heard of them but lack a comprehensive understanding about those three options, we introduce them one by one as below.


MS SQL, also called Microsoft SQL Server, is a relational web hosting database management system developed by Microsoft, commonly involved in Windows web hosting service. And now, there are a dozen of editions of MS SQL available in the market, among which the latest one is SQL Server 2014. However, the most common used version is SQL Server 2012, which has been adopted by many reliable hosting companies.

The primary task of MS SQL is storing and retrieving data. However, this powerful DBMS also integrates with many other advanced functions, like replication, analysis, notification, integration, and full text search, which help you manage your data with ease. Besides, it features buffer management to speed up the data transfer.


MySQL claims to be the most popular open source DBMS and has won a large quantity of popularities in the world. In most cases, it is included in Linux hosting solutions, but some reliable Windows hosting companies, like, provide customers with MySQL as well as phpMyAdmin which makes the MySQL administration easier.

MySQL is a robust DBMS capable of quickly storing and retrieving any information collected in it. Besides, multiple users can use a MySQL database at one time. And now, the latest version of MySQL has been released in the market, which includes numerous features, such as cross-platform support, stored procedures, cursors, triggers, updatable views, strict mode, query caching, SSL support, and so forth. With those advanced functions, the web content management will not be a hard nut to crack.

• PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is regarded as the world’s most advanced object-relational database management system, which has been in this field for over 15 years. Many people rely on this great software because of its high level of reliability, correctness and data integrity. It is suitable for most major operating systems including Windows, Linux and UNIX to meet the maximum needs of webmasters.

There are dozens of programming languages available in PostgreSQL, including Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, Tcl, C/C++, and PL/pgSQL, making all stored procedures run well. In technical aspect, this database brings users unlimited possibilities by featuring MVCC, views, rules, user-defined object, full & inner & outer joins, referential integrity, etc. It is a solid choice for people who create their websites based on PHP and Python.