How to Choose Windows Reseller Hosting


Rather than working as a technical support engineer, more and more web developers turn to providing web hosting service themselves. It is not cost-efficient to rent a dedicated server in the beginning. So, most of them prefer to choose reseller hosting as the start of their entrepreneurship. Nowadays, Windows reseller hosting is the most popular to help developers achieve their resellers target. Windows reseller hosting is a kind of web hosting that all the resources such as bandwidth, disk, host space, control panel and others can be allocated to individual webmasters while resellers can manage all these resources uniformly. Usually, it is offered by a big and professional web hosting service company.

Facing lots of options, how do beginners choose the appropriate providers? Generally, there are several significant factors need to consider in the process, including white-label hosting solution, customized plans, extended features, management panel, security and performance, price, and technical support.

White-label hosting solution

Since it is the personal business, you must hope your web service can be marked as your own logo or band name rather than shown the reseller provider’s name. So, the first important thing is to confirm if the Windows reseller providers offer white-label hosting solution which permits you to put the trademark in the customized selling interface. Only with this, you can promote your business further.

Customized plans

As the particular business requirements, customers will need different and specific hosting plans so as to meet their needs and they hope more new ideas and elements can be used in website construction. That means your hosting plans should be customized as far as possible. Hence, what kind of Windows reseller hosting you choose decides how attractive your hosting plans could be.

Extended features     

If you feel like retaining your customers when they are looking for some additional service for their hosting plans, choose the Windows resellers hosting provider who is full of extended features. Usually, customers will not only need the established features but also hope to get specific features such as more kinds of programming languages and applications.

In the case of Windows reseller hosting, all resellers can receive additional features like PHP and Node.js programming languages, one-click applications installations of WordPress, Drupal, joomla, website copy, Database Import Dump, SSL and so on.

 Management panel

Since there are several even more user accounts under reseller hosting account, it is significant for you to have one easy-to-use control panel so to manage and monitor your Windows reseller hosting business expediently. To raise efficiency and ensure profit maximization, you must take least time to monitor customers’ accounts as many as possible. Many Windows reseller hosting providers will offer the demo or experience to help you confirm if control panel is appropriate for you.

Plesk has become the most powerful and popular control panel solution in Windows web hosting industry. offers all resellers the latest Pleck Onyx, which can meet all the reseller requests for users. Rather than old website panel, Plesk Onyx has stronger function and is easier to use. You can find what you need there such as the setting up of Plesk Branding, Interface Preference, FTP Sessions, Custom Buttons… Of course, you can install some application as WordPress for your customers just like most of the actual web hosting providers. All the service plans are separated that you can manage them in total or one by one in the background. Except your own management, you can give the permission of custom setting to your customers depends on your projects. Generally, with Plesk, you can get much more excellent experience than you expect.

Security and Performance

In spite of all manageable factors, the security and performance of a server are more crucial and decisive, which in some degree indicate if you can keep your business running smoothly. Compared with other web hosting service, reseller hosting requires higher standard for server security and performance. If the server has strict security specifications like the firewall, antivirus program and if they upgrade security plug-ins timely determines whether a website secure enough to fight against cyberattacks.

As well, redundant server storage, bandwidth, server memory and CPU cores are of great importance to a high-performance website. Most importantly, the server location, hardware and network infrastructure combined together lays down the foundation of a rock solid Windows reseller hosting service.

At, first of all, we guarantee the most reliable server performance as we utilize 100% Dell servers located in US and Hong Kong, which come with RAID 5 with SSD, BGP connections, and multi-layer network service. Besides, we also keep backup and monitoring in server every day to protect from the losing of data.

Affordable Price

Speaking of web hosting business, the everlasting topic is price and cost control. If you are not shrewd enough in business, shop around is necessary which will decide if you will get more profit. You can do a search by yourself or refer some review sites for comparing. But do not put away the products quality and only simply pursuit lower price since there are many sloppy services in the market.

Take Windows reseller hosting as a reference, there are three packages available and the lowest price is only $19.95 per month and all subsidiary services like domain name, domain privacy, SSL are often in promotion price.

Technical Support

For most of the beginners of reseller business, they would like to choose a professional Windows reseller hosting team to help them set up the reseller platform. With professional in Windows hosting and resellers support, you will leave out lots of trouble when there are any issues.

If you are planning to start your reseller hosting business, hope this article can be helpful. For more details about Bisend reseller web hosting, please visit https:/