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How to Choose Hong Kong WordPress Web Hosting?

WordPress is the most widely used Content Management System (CMS) for blogging platform, which is based on PHP and MySQL. As its users, if...

How to Create a Drupal Website?

Drupal has been one of the best content management system platforms on the web, along with Joomla and WordPress. With Drupal, you can easily and...

How to Completely Restore Hacked WordPress Installation?

You probably must be aware of the increasing threats to a WordPress site, and are looking forward to learn the method to clean hacked...

How to Fix WordPress Internal Server Error?

When you surf a WordPress website, you shall meet the following issue showed in the Image 1 most number of times. The Internal Server...

Tips on Speeding up Your Joomla Site Efficiently

As Google keeps on updating its algorithms, most of the Joomla website owners show a lot of concern towards boosting up the loads of...

Best Tips for Creating A Mobile Friendly Website

Making sure you have a mobile friendly website has never been more important than it is today. Mobile traffic has been catching up with...

How to Build a Joomla Website with Bisend

Joomla is one of the most popular Content Management Systems on the web, along with more than 89 million downloads, 2 million web sites,...

How to block IP Addresses to Enhance the Security of WordPress?

Many webmasters take spam visitors as a headache problem and most of them are looking forward to finding out a good way to enhance...

Tips on Disabling WordPress Comments

Being tired of the spam comments on your posts, do you want to disable WordPress comments? Do you get annoyed when you receive comments...

How to Prevent Your WordPress Site from Spam?

Spam is a common problem to blog owners and there's no way you are going to run away from it. There are remedies to...
WordPress Hosting