How to Promote Your New Website?


In a world dominated by Internet, the voice from all walks to occupy a certain market in the internet becomes stronger and stronger. Website, as a more and more popular promotion channel, is always in its rising stage. Whether they are from the well-known enterprises, or created by some unknown individuals, whether they are used to sells products, or just to promote people’s indispensable taste, attracting more clicks and visitors is of great concern for all website owners. However, if your website is invisible for the prospective customers, neither through online searches nor marketing channels like Facebook and Twitter, it’s impossible to see much site traffic as you expect, let alone saying building your business.

Therefore, it is time to let your website be known and acceptable in the market. The good news is that there are many simple but useful methods having been proven to be effective in website promotion.
1. Email marketing
The network age has trained us to get the good habit of checking emails, and curiosity will push us to stay for a few seconds on even those unwanted commercial emails to collet possibly useful information. And this is where the opportunity of email marketing exists.

Email marketing has long been the preferred website promotion method for webmasters and site owners, not only because it helps with growing their contact list, but also because it is of great importance in providing valuable content for targeted groups of customers and keeping good engagement with them. But usually, lots of ad emails are full of our mail box, to avoid being classified into junk email, the title of your ad email must be attractive and include the keywords since it is the stepping stone of the whole email. Pay more attention to your email marketing campaign and it will not disappoint you even when there is only 1% recipients open the email.
2.SEO & link building 
To check or find information on the internet, most of us tend to search the key words using some popular search engines, then answers will be listed on the search engine results pages and usually, we will choose the first few since we believe they are more ‘authoritative’. So, if you are looking forward to offering “authoritative” answers, you need to make your website optimized for major search engines and making use of proper link building strategy.

If you are an experienced netizen, you will know that there is no need to try to please everyone on the internet because different group of people have very different taste and preference. What you should do in terms of SEO is focusing on writing something interesting and valuable for a small, specific target market, and keeping a regular update to ensure your customers can always find something new from your website. Besides quality content, you are also required to select keywords wisely and link your website to some other higher ranked websites, etc.
3. Social media
The development of social media is always in its booming status, which makes it easily and speedily for online information transferring. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Wealink, Blog, G+, Flickr, etc. are used by more and more people nowadays. On these social media platforms, numerous information is filtered and spread by the nodes or people. Pushing some ads, articles or promotional activities on a regular basis will deepen the impression of your customers. So you can take advantage of the popular social media to do propaganda in small businesses as well as unknown brands to grow audiences organically.
4. Pay-Per-Click ads
If you have more extra budget for your website promotion, Pay-Per-Click ads may be a good and advisable choice. You can create paid ads to appear on search engines such as Google or Wikipedia, even some other comparatively popular search engines. Putting your ad link on these popular search engines can greatly increase the CTR (click-through-rate) and with the back support of big operators, your website can enjoy higher reliability. You just need to cooperate with these search engines and pay when someone clicks on your ad. But also pay attention to link a source which does match your ad and avoid incorrect link to waste your expenses.
5. Add A Blog
Usually, a small medium business websites will keep a blog with fresh and well-written content. Adding a blog to your website has been one of the easiest ways to generate new content regularly. Besides introducing the new products and services, you can also publish some other relative articles, for instance, the latest promotion information, on your blog. The best part is, you can involve some keywords in your posts, in addition to writing entries that includes answers to some frequently asked questions. In this way, your blog can easily capture your audience’s attention just the same as Google’s.
6. Mobile-friendly
Instead of PC, the mobile devices are being used more frequently in our daily life. Keeping the website available on the mobile devices can keep more visitors. As long as you have the mobile devices, you can browse the information without any inconvenience or difference with the PC. Of course, you need to use some mobile website editors to ensure the site looks as great as possible on any type of screen and to keep all the clicks are effective to avoid the limitation in designing the mobile processing.
7. Traffic analytics
Network traffic can show the actual browsing volume and if you have installed a website monitoring tool, it’s convenient and easy to see which part actually works, which part is the weak spots, and which part should be improved. After the analysis, you can know how to arrange the distribution of traffic so to optimize the website accordingly with unnecessary waste of internet resources. Traffic analytics can help you grasp the whole website clicking information systematically. Checking, filtering and summering those statistics regularly, you can get unexpected results.

If your website need to be promoted urgently, maybe these strategies can do some efforts. Of course, before you getting into a website creation and designing, you need a unique domain name and a reliable web hosting provider on the backend.