The Pros and Cons of VPS Hosting


In web hosting industry, the main types of web hosting including shared web hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated server. Among the 3 types, VPS hosting plays an important role between shared web hosting and dedicated server. Some people may get confused whether VPS hosting can meet their needs. Thus, to make a wise choice, it is necessary to understand the pros and cons of VPS hosting.

What is VPS Hosting?vps web hosting

VPS hosting is a kind of web hosting that uses Virtual Private Server.  It comes with certain amount of disk space, memory, processing power and bandwidth. Besides, your account is able to acquire dedicated chunk of resources.

VPS hosting is always divided into managed VPS and unmanaged VPS. Managed VPS is generally more expensive because the web hosting company handles everything like setup system and install control panel so that customers just need to manage their basic web hosting account. As for unmanaged VPS, customers need to do everything from command line.  If you are familiar with Linux and server side, unmanaged VPS server is a good option, because it is more affordable than managed VPS hosting.

When to Move to VPS?

VPS hosting is widely used by some small businesses, whose requirements are out grown of the shared web hosting resources, but cannot afford a dedicated server. For example, some customers just need to run Java or Tomcat that most shared web hosts do not allow it, thus VPS hosting can be a good option for them.

Pros of VPS Hosting

vps web hostingPeople who choose VPS hosting consider the various priorities of it. There are some advantages of VPS hosting, including:

  • A VPS hosting account is less expensive than a dedicated one;
  • Many VPS plans are customizable and you just need to pay for the features you need;
  • Using VPS means partitioned resources such as CPU and bandwidth, so you won’t be affected much by your sharers;
  • Fewer users share the same server – compared with shared web hosting, your website can be allocated more resources;
  • You can get more control to configure your server with virtualization software;

Also, you are likely to have root access and the ability to use scripts that may not be allowed in a shared hosting.

Cons of VPS Hosting

vps web hostingIn theory, VPS hosting makes it possible to have the services of a dedicated server without the cost associated with it. However, some potential issues are inevitable with the VPS hosting.

  • More expensive than shared hosting: while fewer users share the same server, you have to pay more. This is the main disadvantage from a financial standpoint.
  • Configuring server demands more technical experience. Compared with dedicated hosting, VPS hosting is less demanding for users, but it still requires some technical experience to control your server.
  • Having no complete control over your server. Compared with dedicated hosting, VPS hosting users do not have full control over their environment.
  • Your resources are not allocated appropriately. This is because your web host may have over sold its space. It may cause server issues that will affect all other sites on that server. So you should be aware of how many virtual accounts are hosted on your server at one time.

Subscribe Bisend VPS hosting

As a leading web hosting provider, Bisend offers one of the industry best managed VPS hosting at affordable price.

Multiple Choices & Low Price

Bisend Cloud VPS Low PriceTo ensure people with different demands are able to choose the most proper Cloud VPS hosting plan to host their sites, Bisend offers 3 managed VPS hosting plans on both Linux and Windows platform. You could only pay for the resources they have used. In addition, most webmasters are capable of affording these packages as the price of those plans start from $35/mo only.

Rich Features

To ensure our customers run websites smoothly and stably, we integrate each of our Cloud VPS hosting solutions with a bundle of outstanding features and rich server resources. No matter which plan you would like to choose, you are offered Plesk control panel and 1 free IP address. In addition, sufficient RAM, bandwidth, and storage are included in each of our cloud VPS hosting solutions.

Fast Provisioning & Easy Upgrade

Because we design our VPS servers to provision instantly, you are allowed to get up and running in seconds without waiting for hours even days. You can use your server whenever you need it. Besides, you can choose a plan to meet your current needs and upgrade your plan whenever you need more resources in the future. Once received your upgrade request, we will upgrade your plan within 5 minutes and ensure your sites work without being interrupted.

Unbeatable Performance

Bisend Cloud VPS High PerformanceWe are utilizing multiple state-of-the-art data centers locate in Hong Kong. In the data centers, we use hundreds of high quality Dell servers that are equipped with the best hardware available, which are much more powerful than our competitors’. In addition, a group of our technicians and engineers are monitoring the data centers and servers 24/7, ensuring you run websites with the least unexpected issue.

Besides, if you experience any downtime caused by hardware failure, you will be paid 100 times service time compensation.

24/7 Technical Support

No matter when you meet any hosting problem, you are able to contact our professional team via live chat and tickets. All of our support staffs are standing by 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, each of who are well trained, professional, experienced and patient. In this way, you are able to get instant and effective assistance to resolve your issue, ensuring you can concentrate on your business with the least trouble.


In a VPS hosting environment, you are able to get in a dedicated package without paying such a high price, which is a superiority of VPS. However, if the hosts handle the VPS in an incorrect way, you may encounter some issues. As you can see, there is a lot to think whether the VPS is tight for you and make a choice on the basis of your research.