Tips on How to Pick out a Good Domain Name


Domain name is a crucial factor of a website, which is as important as the brand name of a company. A good domain name can be a part of your success and make the website in good graces. That is to say, no matter how excellent your website is, it cannot be developed successfully without a proper domain name.

In fact, many people are caught into confusion and don’t know how to choose the best suitable domain name, which seems a sign of difficulty when starting a website. To help you exclude this anxiety, we work out the following tips on domain choosing. We hope that those suggestions can help you a lot.

Relate to Your Brand

Choose a Good Domain Name - relate to your brandBefore accessing to your website, the first thing leaps to visitors’ eyes is the domain name. Thus, making people know your brand through the domain name is a good method to retain visitors. This is because it can arouse people’s interest and encourage them to click the link and enter your website.

If you are running a bookshop named as Lily Bookstore, you’d better set the domain as When people see this domain name, they can know what your company engages in and whether they can get what they desire.

Some popular businesses do a good job on this aspect, such as,,, and many more. Those domains are related to the brand name as well as easy to remember and spell. Customers can have a rough understanding at the first glance of those domain names.

Easy to Remember & Spell

choose a good domain name - easy-to-rememberGiven your experience in surfing the Internet, have you ever seen an excellent website coming with a long and complicated domain name? We bet the answer is no. The domain name which contains too many letters is hard to remember. The visitors may not enter the website again for they probably forget the domain once shutting down the web page.

In this case, you need to make the domain as concise as possible so that visitors can remember it easily. The domain should consist of simple words less than 10 letters. Be sure to keep in mind, it is unwise to mix up hyphens or numbers which make your domain wordy and fussy.

Furthermore, the word which is easy to spell may be more likely to be remembered. Thus, you need to avoid using the words with uncomfortable pronunciation, especially the ones that are rarely used. For instance, the “” is much better than “” for the previous one is common used by people.

Attach Great Importance to SEO

In addition to take account of web content optimization, you should also make the domain name SEO-friendly. The domain name would better include frequently searched words which help your website be viewed on the front page of the search engines more likely. To this end, you can find alternative words with high monthly search on Google Adwords and add the keyword to your domain name.

Choose the Right Top Level Domain

Making a decision on top level domain (TLD) is also a crucial part of domain building. As we all know, the most common used TLD is .com, which is suitable for any kind of website worldwide. And also, there are multiple specific top level domains designed for the sites with special purposes. Here, we list some of them with a brief introduction.

top level domain name

• .net – network, suitable for the websites work on network technology or act as a portal to a series of small sites.

• .edu – educational, commonly used by educational institutions, like the

• .org – organization, originally intended for the non-profit organizations.

• .gov – government, limited to government or agency in US.