Tops Questions When You Upgrade Shared Web Hosting to VPS


Many webmasters who started their websites from shared web hosting are annoyed with growing traffic now. Besides, they also find that all their processors are consumed, their RAM resource and CPU are gobbled, and their emails are not enough. In a word, the existing performance level can’t satisfy them.

In this case, VPS can meet all their needs. To be specific, VPS is a kind of web hosting service which is more powerful than shared web hosting but cheaper than dedicated server. Therefore, it may be helpful to take into account upgrading to VPS. In the article below, to help people upgrade to VPS with little effort, we have summarized 5 tips to avoid meeting problems in upgrading. Move on to learn them.

1. Get to know VPS

There are some differences between VPS and shared web hosting, so it is very important to know VPS. For instance, with a shared web hosting, you may create your websites by using an application hosting or a site builder easily. When it comes to hosting websites with VPS, you need to consider all the needs independently, such as applications and security methods. Tops Questions When You Upgrade Shared Web Hosting to VPS 1

What’s more, if you want to choose a VPS, you also need to know its PHP/ASP.NET version, web server, or whether it depends on third party components or not.

2. Capable of configuring the web server independently

The shared web hosting service offers help in environment initialization and configuration while VPS hosting doesn’t offer. Thus, compared with shared web hosting, VPS is more difficult to setup and get going initially. As a result, before adopting a VPS hosting, you need to make sure that you can complete the configuring by yourself.

Instead, the common VPS hosting services just offer simple operation system, like Windows or Linux. Therefore, you need to add the required features, such as Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP (LAMP) and Windows + IIS + MS SQL Server. Moreover, considering that some VPS companies don’t offer DNS, you are asked to set it up by yourself.

3. Pay attention to security

When you host your websites with VPS hosting, you may be informed that you don’t need to worry about the security as much as you do with shared web hosting. In fact, although you can customize the VPS hosting to the needs you have, you still need to pay attention to security.

To be honest, customizing VPS hosting to your own needs also means there is nobody available for your websites security but yourself. To avoid something wrong, you’d better know much about ASP.NET, PHP, Rails or Ruby. Moreover, you should master such skills like completing complex permission control of two operation systems. In addition, you need to do these things regularly, like updating system and reading the event logs. To reduce the risk, it is necessary to disable useless ports.

4. Back up manually

Many shared web hosting companies back up for you automatically. However, if you choose a VPS hosting, you need to do it manually. This process is very important to avoid data loss. Therefore, if you decide to begin the upgrading, Tops Questions When You Upgrade Shared Web Hosting to VPS 2you’d better be ready to complete many things manually.

5. Play the role as a dedicated system administrator

Many webmasters who own a shared web hosting just need to play the role as a blog writer, but if you choose a VPS hosting, you need to convert to be a dedicated administrator. In detail, you have to make a plan considering your website security, backup, server upgrade and performance tuning other than complete common events like adding content to your websites.


All the 5 tips above are very important in the upgrade process. Besides, if you have no idea on how to choose a reliable VPS hosting provider, we recommend As a company focusing on remarkable user experience, we are capable of offering an excellent VPS hosting service. In addition, we also offer an affordable and reliable managed VPS hosting package that is starting at $35/mo.