For those who cannot check emails normally in holiday or traveling, especially businessmen, the function of autoresponder are very important and widely used to return quick feedbacks. Fortunatey, our hosting package will allow you to set up autoresponder in Plesk Onyx easily.users can set up autoresponder in Plesk Onyx easily. In this article, we will take examples to introduce how to set up auto-reply and how to use commend line to manage mail autoresponders.
How to Set up Auto-Reply?
After creating email accounts, users can set up auto-reply in Plesk and manage it easily.
1.Login Plesk->Mail->Email address->Auto-Reply
2.Click Switch on auto-reply to start the auto-reply settings.
Auto-reply message subject: Fill in the subject here.
Message format: There are two options including Plain text and HTML. Usually, we suggest users click Plain text since not all the clients will support HTML format.
Auto-reply message text: Fill in the contents of the reply emails.
Forward to: Users can fill in the email addresses they would like to forward.
Send an automatic response to a unique email address no more than: In this box, users can custom that how many auto-reply emails to be sent to the same email address in the same day. If it is ‘2’, the auto-reply email will be sent out when this account receives the first two emails.
Attached Files:Users can upload some attached files in the auto-reply email.
Switch off auto-reply on: Users can set up the cancellation time here.
3.Click Ok or Apply to finish the settings.
How to Use Commend Line to Manage Autoresponders?
If you use our Windows VPS, Plesk will be installed by default and you can manage autoresponder via CLI by the usage of autoresponder utility, with which, the commends of creating or deleting, enabling or disabling autoresponder, editing, managing attached files and reply message parameters can be executed in Plesk Onyx via below basic command lines:
Take [email protected] as an example. Just need to add the attached file, subject and the text contents in the command lines. The application form is attached.’ Refer following command lines:
There are more command lines for developers to edit in their programming to manage autoresponder.
- Use –update or –u to edit the subjet as ‘An autoreply message’ to reply to mail messages received by [email protected].
- If you need to view the information autoresponder, edit –info or –i into command line as below:
- When you need any tutoril or helo about autorespinder utility, use –help or -h to edit command line:
Auto-Reply Does Not Work in Plesk Onyx?
Sometimes, after users set up the auto-reply, reply emails still cannot be sent out. And if in the log file, we get bellow error information,we should consider that this may be caused by the reason of MailEnable mail server misconfiguration.
If this error happens, Plesk administrator can set up in Plesk server throough below steps:
1.Connet to Plesk server via RDP
2.Launch MailEnable Management Console.
3.Servers > localhost > Services and Connectors > open Properties of SMTP.
4.In Security page, unclick the options Authenticated senders must … and Disable all catchalls.
5.Click Apply.
6.Then in Relay page > Privileged IPs… Then click Denied relay rights.
7.Click Add, fill in the mail server outgoing IP address which can be confirmed in Outbound page and click Close. Finally, click Ok.
8.Last step is Restart MailEnable SMTP Connector service.
Go to MailEnable Management Console, Servers > localhost > System > Services Status, click MailEnable SMTP Connector and Restart.
All the above processed need to be set up based on the Admin permission. If you are not the administrator, please contact your hosting providers.
Autoresponder brings much convinience for email users. Autoresponder brings much convinience for email users.