If you want to run the site using IIS Express command line, you should install Windows 7 or newer release and IIS Express first. Then follow the steps below to do that.
1. Open a command prompt.
2. Find the IIS Express installation folder by run the command below:
Execute this command if you use a 64-bit OS:
3. View the usage string of IIS Express by running the command below:
4. Now select /config to run your site from a configuration file or use /path to run your site from the application folder. Note that you cannot combine the 2 options.
- Run Your Site from a Configuration File
This configuration file is placed in the %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config directory or %userprofile%\My Documents\IISExpress\config directory. This depends on which Operating System you use. You are free to choose run any site you want when you run a site from a configuration file.
Execute the following command to run the “Website1” in the default .config file.
Execute the command “iisexpress” to run the first website in the default .config file. However, if you want to run the first website in a custom .config file, you need to execute the command below.
Execute the command below to run a site named MyBlog from a custom .config file.
- Run Your Site from the Application Folder
You can run a site directly from a folder by usihng the /path option, no matter what kind application your site is built with, ASP.NET, static HTML, PHP, WCF, or some others. IIS Express usually run the site on http://localhost:8080/ by default. As for a managed website, like ASP.NET, IIS Express will utilize .NET 4.0. Still, you can disable these default values by using the 2 options: the /port and /clr.
5. When your site is running well, you can then manage it using the IIS Express system tray or you can also execute “/systray: false” to have the system tray disabled: