How to Set Up Secured Folder?


For some reason, a site administrator needs to lock a certain part of his site and only allows certain people to access it. Secured Folder makes it possible. Secured Folder can set the access permission to a certain folder by using a password. When a person attempts to access it, he will be asked to enter the password.

We provide the Secured Folder function in control panel. This is a tutorial to guide you how to set it up.

Step 1 – Login (Take US Datacentre as an example)

Please access and login with correct credentials. Click on Web Sites icon and go to the Web Site Properties of the targeted site.

Set Up Secured Folder 1

Step 2 – Enable

In the Web Site Properties page, please click Secured Folders option and enable it.

Set Up Secured Folder 2

Step 3 – Add user

From here, Add Folder and Add User options show up, let’s add a user first, please click Add User and you will be guided to the following page. Enter the user and password, and then save it.

Set Up Secured Folder 3

Step 4 – Add folder

Now, it’s time to set the targeted folder. Click Add Folder.

Set Up Secured Folder 4

And then, you will be asked to set the following parameters:

  • Folder Title: enter what you like.
  • Folder Path: Click the box and select the folder you’d like to set.
  • Allowed Users: Check the box near the targeted user, so that people can access secured folder with the user name and its password.

Set Up Secured Folder -4.1

Step 5 –Try

Done! Let’s try to see if it works! Access

Set Up Secured Folder - 5

Great! It works, let’s enter the user name and password!

Set Up Secured Folder - 5.1

Yes, it’s working perfectly, we made it!