What Is WebMatrix & What Are Its Highlights?


WebMatrix is an integrated environment offered by many famous web hosting providers,  which is used for developing ASP.NET applications. It helps you by providing you with a very easy access to the websites which are Windows Azure. If you are looking for a perfect integration tool and you are considering WebMatrix, then you need to get useful information about it. This article contains detailed description of what is WebMatrix and what are its main features. You are definitely going to find the entire information placed in this piece of writing quite interesting.

What is WebMatrix?

what is WebMatrixDevelopment of ASP.NET websites needs using such tools which include SQL servers, IIS and Visual Studios. All of these products are licensed and they need to be purchased. However, WebMatrix is a free tool of development which integrates coding tools, web server admin tools and tools of database development in a single application. This is done for quick and rapid development of websites.

Different new technologies are incorporated in the WebMatrix from Microsoft which makes the websites perform in a faster and a simpler manner. WebMatrix also incorporates ISS Express, which helps the developers in easy deployment of applications which are tested with the help of environment of development. In addition, SQL server is also integrated in it, which is a massive innovation and it does need any other database for running. It helps you in building tables in WebMatrix. When you have WebMatrix developer, it helps you in performing simple process of coding and you can also easily deploy the website applications with the help of Website deploy method and FTP in the environment of production.

The streaming of website development is made quite easier with the help of WebMatrix no matter if you are a beginner at the work or if you just want to get done with it. You can maintain your focus by using it.

Highlights of WebMatrix

Highlights of WebMatrixHere are some highlights of WebMatrix that make it distinguishable among the other integration platforms. The following features will definitely help you in choosing it for the development of useful web applications.


This free development tool can be installed with just a few minutes and brings your database, web server and frameworks of programming in a single web application. It also helps you in the process of coding, testing and deployment of both PHP applications and ASP.NET applications side by side. All in all, this is a small but a complete package for your site.

It Grows

When you have WebMatrix in your desktop, you are actually making use of strong database engine, website server and frameworks which are used by your internet website. This way, you are able to ensure that the transition from the process of development to that of production is very smooth. When everything is ready, the program integrates the app of Visual Studios in the flow of work.  You can connect to the Visual Studio in order to take benefit of the strong features like profiling and debugging.


WebMatrix PublishingYou can easily find a perfect home for your website with the help of WebMatrix. By using WebMatrix, you are able to find a better website host which fits into you requirements. It provides built in support for publishing for FTPS, FTP and web Deploy in order to make sure that the databases, files and settings remain intact. The publishing feature of WebMatrix does a lot of excellent work for you.

Simple Database

The usage of database is never easy. When you use WebMatrix, you will see that it includes embedded database which is known as SQL server which can live with the coding and content of your website. You can utilize it for creating a new website. When the content is ready for publishing, you just have to copy the database file to the web server and then have to run it simply. You do not have to get into the worry of extra installation.

Simple Coding

By using WebMatrix, you are provided with a very simple way of learning the standards of web development. This tool helps you in making your website simple and publishing it on the web. You have to get started with JavaScript, HTML and CSS and then get connected to a database. You can also choose the option of adding dynamic methods of coding too. You will see that the codes are simple and very easy to read and write with any sort of text editor.


WebMatrix InterfaceA rich editor of code is integrated in WebMatrix. It includes search engine optimization, publishing of FTP, web server management and a database editor for you. When you use WebMatrix, you are actually provided with a fresh and a new experience of website development which bridges up the main components which are required for creating, running and deploying your website.

Open Source

By using WebMatrix, you get connected to a group of open source website applications. These applications include those of Joomla, WordPress and many more. You just have to choose one application which is present in the gallery and then the entire process of installation is done by WebMatrix for the website. You can easily customize the code editor and make your own with these text editors.


You can easily run a report of SEO and find out how you can make your website visible in the search engines with the help of WebMatrix. It keeps the secrets out of SEO and provides you with a very clear and honest guidance on the better visibility of your website. It also provides you with the offer of taking you to the correct and required file in your website that needs to be fixed.