Why E-Commerce Site Need a Windows VPS and Premium SSL Certificate?


E-commerce industry is experiencing the rapid expansion into every aspect of our life and has been attracting consumers from all walks of life around the world. Meanwhile, with an increasing awareness about the growth potential of online shopping, there has been a rise in investment into e-commerce business. No matter which facet of e-commerce sector you are engaged in, you need a business website. Compared to an informational site, launching an e-commerce site is not easy. You have to meet certain requirements and overcome unique challenges like relatively complicated content management and resource hungry problem.

Although there are many powerful, functional e-commerce software available on the web, such as Magento for PHP hosting and nopCommerce for ASP.NET hosting, you have to face the million dollar questions: 1). where to host the e-commerce site? and 2) how to ensure the safety of website data? It is safe to pay for best hosting service for your website. Beginners tend to start with a shared hosting plan and upgrade to a Windows VPS as website traffic increases. In terms of data security, a premium SSL certificate is a standard solution to protect user data.

What Is Windows VPS?

In Windows VPS environment, clients are assigned dedicated disk space and bandwidth. You don’t need to worry about being affected by neighbor sites but can benefit from more customization freedom. It also allows for scalability, therefore, you can increase its size according to your evolving needs. All these unique features make Windows VPS a perfect solution to high volume of e-commerce transactions.

Why Windows VPS is best for e-commerce site?

  • Isolated hosting environment. There’s no need to worry about other users on your host’s services misbehaving. Even when their virtual machine crashes, the physical server on which your virtual machine is run can work smoothly.
  • Guaranteed speed. No matter what else is happening on the physical machine, you will always have the allocated CPU as well as RAM available to your operations. Namely, your e-commerce site can always enjoy fast load speeds.
  • Good stability. Due to the virtualization software that divides the resources of a physical server, your Windows VPS assures you of dedicated resources for your e-commerce site, thus being less possible to experience interruptions.
  • Root access. If you’re technically strong and expecting to install some programs, you can get root access to your Windows VPS server. If it is not a feature included in your hosting package, you can submit a request to your hosting provider.

Verify e-commerce site with SSL certificate

SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer, is a popular cyber-security protocol to encrypt information sent from a browser to a server. With the secure connection between visitors and e-commerce sites, SSL certificate ensures sensitive information like usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, email addresses, and more are safe from preying eyes.

Benefits of SSL verified site in online shopping

  • Information security. Being an online merchant, it’s your responsibility to maintain data confidentiality. Installing your e-commerce site with a premium SSL certificate can help make sure visitors’ information and website data is encrypted and unreachable.
  • Increased site rankings. Google has used HTTPS as a ranking signal. So, if your e-commerce site has a valid SSL certificate installed, it can have a slight boost in Google’s search engine results.
  • Running a shopping ads. It is helpful to generate business for your e-commerce site by running shopping ads on main search engines like Google and Bing. However, if your website checkout process isn’t secured with SSL certificate, you are not allowed to advertise on Google.
  • Customers’ trust. As an increasing number of internet hacking in recent years, people become more careful to make a purchase online. If they find your e-commerce site is protected with a premium SSL certificate, they will feel safe to buy from you.
  • Third-party payment gateway. If you’re using PayPal or other third-party payment platforms on your e-commerce site, you need a premium SSL certificate to be the trust magnet, even better when you use an EV SSL certificate, which displays https and company information in green address bar.

It is very common that e-commerce sites take advantage of an OV or EV SSL certificate, or at least a standard DV SSL certificate. What type of SSL certificate you should go with depends on your budget on website security, however. If you are a small e-commerce brand with limited budget, you can opt for the cheapest DV SSL certificate, which only verifies the domain name ownership and usually cost from $15 a year. But if you own a big e-commerce site and plan enough budget to spend on brand trust & recognition, you should buy an OV or EV SSL certificate. The best news is, Bisend currently is offering cheap Comodo SSL certificates. No matter which security level you prefer to, we can meet your needs and importantly, we take care of certificate setup things for you.