How to Point a Subdomain to a Subfolder Using URLRewrite?


We will talk about how to point a subdomain to a subfolder using URLRewrite. Now, learn the detailed steps in below.

1. Log into WebSitePanel and add a specific subdomain.

2.Set the specific sub-domain as a site pointer under your primary domain name in the Web Site Properties.

Point a Subdomain to a Subfolder Using URLRewrite 1 need to mark the sub folder as an application.(Create Virtual Dirs in the Web Site Properties ).

Point a Subdomain to a Subfolder Using URLRewrite 2

4.Add these codes into your web.config files.



<rule name=”test2″>

<match url=”.*” />


<add input=”{HTTP_HOST}” pattern=”^ your sub domain name$” />

<add input=”{PATH_INFO}” pattern=”^/sub-folder/” negate=”true” />


<action type=”Rewrite” url=”\sub-folder\{R:0}” />





  • For the rule name, enter your domain name, or whatever makes the most sense to you.
  • Make sure that when you browse to the website by domain name, both of your domain name (primary & sub-domain)resolve to the correct IP address.