Tips on Installing a WordPress Plugin Effectively


If you want to enhance the functionality of your WordPress account, you can do this with the help of certain plugins and extensions. This article is going to provide you with sufficient knowledge regarding how to install plugins for the proper functioning of your WordPress account. The task is quite simple and easy; however, it is really important that you completely understand it before you start the installation. When you install a WordPress plugin, you actually get exposed to the vast world of WordPress.

Three ways can be used for the installation of WordPress plugins. They can be installed automatically via WordPress dashboard. The other method is to install the plugins manually through WordPress. The third way to install WordPress plugins is manually upload them using FTP.  Here are explained methods of WordPress plugin installation.

Automatic Installation of WordPress plugins through WordPress

This is one the simplest methods of plugin installation in WordPress. The process requires your server to function in such a way that it allows making changes to the directory of plugins. This process incorporates giving variant permissions to the directory of wp-content/plugins. When the set-up is completed, you can press the option of “Add New” present in the menu option.
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You have to enter the plugin’s name on the Install Plugins screen to carry out the research.
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The results must be shown up by the search. You just have to click on the option of Install and your plugin will be downloaded automatically in to your WordPress blog account.
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After clicking Install, click Active Plugin option to activate the plugin in order to get started with it.
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Installing a Plugin Manually

The plugins of WordPress are distributed in zipped files. You can store all of your files together in a compressed manner with the zipped files. Thus, you have a single file which contains a lot of small files in it. When it comes to downloading a plugin, you have to click on the link of download from the required website and must allow your browser to keep the files save in your computer.

Click on the option of Add New from the menu of WordPress plugins. You do not have to search out the plugin. Instead, you can easily upload the plugin from the zipped file by clicking on it and then on the option of upload.
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Make use of the browse button for selecting the zipped file of plugin which was already downloaded. Now click on the option of Install Now. The plugin will be automatically uploaded to your WordPress blog and will get installed. You can then activate it for getting the benefits.
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Installing WordPress plugins with FTP

Unzip the file after it is downloaded. This is a very easy stage but it depends on the type of computer system that you are using. You might be using such a computer which does not have the required software installed in it. The recent Windows versions show complete understanding towards zip files. However, if your computer system doesn’t, then you will have to download that additional software.

When your system is ready, unzip the files of plugins.
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You have to upload this plugin to your WordPress website with the help of FTP.  In order to do that, you must have a FTP client installed in your system, as well as the username and password. The Windows can efficiently use File Zilla and Cyberduck as well, both of which are selected in the collection of the best FTP clients. When your FTP client is installed, start it and then initiate the usage of a new connection. You simply have to enter the address of FTP which is followed by entering your FTP username and the password too.
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If the username and the rest of the information are correct, you will get connected to your WordPress website. A directory listing will appear in front of you.
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You have to go through the directory listing for finding where your own WordPress is installed. It will be present in the directory named as public_html.
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This is the time to find out the location of plugins. They are usually located in wp-content/plugins/
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You can now upload your chosen plugin easily. However, you need to make sure that you upload the directory of plugins and all the files too.

Activating Plugins

When a plugin is installed, it can be activated  quickly from the Installed Plugins menu. You can see it in the image below:
ASctivate WordPress Plugin -1
Find out the chosen and uploaded plugin and then activate it just like in the image given below:
Activate WordPress Plugin 2
This is how you can easily install WordPress plugins in your WordPress websites using FTP for getting increasing advantages out of them. Although plugin installation with FTP is the least user-friendly process, yet you can activate your chosen plugins if you have accurate knowledge of FTP Manager and how it works.