How to Change WordPress Language?


As the major blogging platform, WordPress is used widely everywhere around the globe. A part of its huge recognition among bloggers is because it supports several languages. When you install WordPress you will find that it selects English by default as its language. There are quite a lot of ways to install your preferred language as well. So how to change wordpress language?

We have listed 3 methods to change WordPress language in below. Now, move on to learn the methods one by one.

Changing WordPress Language with Softaculous

Softaculous allows you to choose a language in the installation process. This is the simplest way to install the language of your choice if you are installing a new WordPress site.

Changing WordPress Manually

manually change WordPress languageIf Softaculous does not have your favorite language listed or your account does not have it, you can install files of your preferred language manually. The way to do this is described below.

1. Find the web page This page contains languages and dialects for WordPress. Find out the code of your language by looking at the codescolumn on the web page.

2. Go to This website is a storehouse for all the language files. You can now use the code you got from step 1 to choose the folder which has the files for your language.

3. To look in the contents of the folder click on the code and then click the tags folder.

4. Tags folder has sub-folders for different WordPress versions. Begin with the latest version and look for the messages folder. If there is no such folder go on to the preceding versions until you find it.

5. In the folder labeled messages, download the .mo file/files to your computer. The number of .mo files depends on the language you chose to install. You need the .po source files when you decide to modify the translations on your own.

6. Upload the .mo file/files on to the WordPress by going to the website’s languages sub-folder which is in the wp-content folder. If you do not find the languages folder then create it before uploading.

7. Activate the new language in the WordPress Settings:

  • Active new language in WordPressIf you are using WordPress version 4.0 or later versions, you need to sign into the administration interface first. Then, click on settings and go to General. Pick your language from the list box Site Language and save all the changes by clicking on Save.
  • For WordPress version 3.9.2 or older ones – open up the wp-config.php file in text editor and locate the line – define (‘WPLANG’, ‘xx YY’) and swap xx YY with the code you chose in step 3. Save the changes you made in the file.

8. Now browse WordPress. You will find that the site shows text in the language you chose.

Changing WordPress Language Using Plugins

You can use plugins to have your desired language in WordPress. This is a substitute to manual installation. The right plugins help you to download and install the exact language files letting you change from one language to another faster. Follow the steps in this post to install and activate a language plugin. As soon as the plugin is activated, a menu for selecting languages is displayed in the top menu bar of the administration interface

For changing the WordPress language, choose your language and click on Switch language. If you do not find your language, click on More languages to see other languages. Then, the settings of your language come into affect right away.