Tips on How to Install WordPress Multisite


The multisite feature of WordPress was introduced in 2010. It was introduced as a replacement of old WordPress MU system. When the feature of multisite gets activated on your site, you can create multiple websites from one installation of WordPress. You can also share themes and plugins; however, it is important to know that every website has its own directory of uploads. All the other websites use similar database. This article will teach you how to install WordPress multisite and the benefits it renders to you.

Benefits of WordPress Multisite

WordPress multisite is an amazing feature which can be utilized by all kinds of WordPress websites, irrespective of their size. You can create more than one virtual website with only a single installation. You can easily turn your website into a network with its help.

Benefites od WordPress MultisiteYou just have to update the WordPress along with your plugins and themes for once. The feature provides you with an easy access to website network via admin bar of WordPress. It is important for you to know that the websites must have the same domain name.

You can also assign users to the websites according to your requirements. This is really beneficial to the staff and administrators. The WordPress multisite features also provide you with an easy access to the users in order to create your websites.

The companies can use this feature for making a particular employee an administrator of their official blog. Multisite is regarded to be perfect for producing sub sections of sites. You can also get a lot of benefits in the form of support desks, discussion forums and much more. You can also style every area of your website in a different way.
Above all, WordPress multisite feature is easy to be installed.

How to Set up WordPress Multisite?

This guide will assist you in installation WordPress multisite manually in the current installation of WordPress. Here are some simple steps:
1. First of all, you need to prepare your WordPress for multisite feature. The website will get updated when you create the network. It is really important that you backup your files and databases before starting the work.  You have to do verification of the working of Pretty Permalinks on the single instance of WordPress. You also have to deactivate the plugins too.
2. In order to enable the menu item of Network setup, first define the multisite in wp-config.php file. Open it and then add the line above /*. In case you do not see it anywhere, then you can add this line above the first line which starts with “include” or “require”.
Install WordPress Multisite - Command
Now, refresh your browser.
3. Use the item of menu in order to to choose the option of “Create a Network of WordPress Sites”.
Install WordPress Multisite - Create a Network of WordPress Sites
Website addresses in your Network:
You have to choose between sub directories and sub domains except where your choices are restricted by existing settings. You are also provided with the choice of reconfiguration of the network in order to utilize another installation choice. You will need having wildcard DNS for the websites which are based on demand.
Details of the Network:
The field gets filled automatically. However, you can change the options too. Add domain of URL in the space next to Server Address, your network title in the Network Title, and your email address in the Admin E-mail Addres. Now press on the button of “Install”.
4. You have to follow the instructions on the site screen for enabling the network. These are customized instructions. You can backup the already existing wp-config.php and .htaccess unless the installation is fresh and you do not have anything to lose. For that, you have to add specified lines mentioned above in the wp-config.php file and add specific lines to the file of .htaccess.
When these steps are completed, login with the help of provided link.
5. MySites is the second item present on the left WordPress toolbar. You will see that all of your websites are listed with handy menus and Network Admin menu. Under the option of Network Admin, you are also allowed to use Dashboard in order to go to the screen of Network Dashboard.  Now, choose the option of Setting Screen in order to configure the options of network. You also have to choose Site Screen if you want to manage your website.
Install WordPress Multisite - MySites
6. There are several other things which you need to know regarding advanced administration of network. This is becuase of the extra complicatedness of WordPress multisite feature. In case you are familiar with the usage of WordPress and the behaviour and location of Multisite Network Administration, still you are going to find the entire process confusing. It requires presence of mind and knowledge too.