We have developed a post to teach you how to setup FTP connection with FileZilla before. Today, we listed the steps of configuring some other popular FTP clients to access your site. Now, go on reading to learn the details.
How to Configure CuteFTP
To configure CuteFTP, you need the information about the host server, remote directory, FTP account username and password.
1.Launch CuteFTP’s site manager from Tools menu and select the Display Site Manager option.
2.In the Label field, enter your website name. Then, enter your website address/URL, username and password in the following 3 fields one after another.
3.In the Action tab, enter /public_html. In the field which reads when client connects, switch to this remote folder.
4.Press the connect button to connect to the server.
How to Configure SmartFTP
To configure SmartFTP server, you need an existing FTP account on your domain, the information required to login into your FTP account, and SmartFTP to be installed on your computer.
1.Launch SmartFTP.
2. Click on the File Menu, then select New connection. In the new account screen, enter following information in the same sequence, including host, path, username and password. Remember to type in the host filed. Then, type a name for your FTP connection under the Add to Favorites field.
3. If your connection is established successfully, you will see your hosting content on the left pane. The right pane will show your local file directory.
How to Configure WS_FTP LE
1.First, you launch WS_FTP LE.
2.Click on New and write down the required information in the blank fields in turn, including profile name, host name, user ID, passwords and account. Here, leave the Host Type to be detected automatically and do not enter anything in the Account field. You can add comment in the Comment field if you want to.To save these settings, click Apply. To connect to the server, click OK.
How to Configure WS_FTP Pro
Before you start configuring WS_FTP, make sure that you have created your user ID and password. In the Adrress filed, type
1.Launch WS_FTP and click site manager under the Connections option.
2.Click Create Site…
3.Enter your site name and click Next.
4.Select your connection type as FTP and click Next.
5.In the server address field, write your domain name.
6.Enter your username and password for the FTP site.
7.Click finish once you have checked all the settings.
8.Now you are connected to your site.