How to Install BlogEngine.NET Using Microsoft Web App Gallery in WebSitePanel


Bloggers want the best blogging platform yet the simplest to install, customize and manage. You will find as more blog platforms come up; blogging becomes easy as the platforms make things easy for the bloggers. WordPress came and changed the way blogs were made with a drag and drop functionalities, the plugins that reduced coding, and the innovations continue. Many people like BlogEngine.NET because of its simplicity. However, few of them know how to install BlogEngine.NET.

In below, we have introduced what is BlogEngine.NET and listed the steps to install it using WebSitePanel.

What Is BlogEngine.NET?

What Is BlogEngine.NETBlogEngine.NET is a product of the need to make gambling easier. People were looking for the best platform that gives bloggers an easier time customizing their blogs. Getting started on BlogEngine.NET is referred to as plug n play as there are no configurations required. The platform has many great features yet it is very simple. You will find screenshot trackbacks and AJAX comments features as you can see in any blogging platform.

It features OpenSearch Support, AJAX, social bookmarks, Gravators, Google sitemap, coComments, Microsummaries, XFN tags and other Web 2.0 functionalities. It also comes with great themes for your selection. You can also create new themes if you understand basic CSS and HTML.The platform is 100% XHTML and 1.0 compliant meaning that your posts automatically become compliant on posting them. Besides, it is extendable, and you can apply yours.NET developing skills to come up with new controls and can also have new themes. has been rated as the best web hosting company offering BlogEngine.NET hosting. They are the latest features to enable you host a blog with ease. Their control panel also gives you multiple options to customize and manage the blog more.

Installing BlogEngine.NET

If you know the basics of how to install BlogEngine.NET in WebSitePanel, you will find these steps easy to follow and implement. You start from signing in to your WebSitePanel and clicking Web Sites to get started.

Install BlogEngine.NET 1

From the screen that comes next, click Create Web Site.

Install BlogEngine.NET 2

Select a domain you’d like to use to install BlogEngine.NET. (Note: If the domain list is empty, please make sure there is at least one domain added into your space. You can click here to know how to add a domain into your space.)

Install BlogEngine.NET 3

After the site created, please go back to Home page and click “Web App Gallery”.
Install BlogEngine.NET 3

The next screen is where you find BlogEngine.NET. You will locate it on the screen, and you should click on it.

Install BlogEngine.NET 5

After selecting the platform, click next on the screen that follows then select the subdomain you created earlier. After that, please click Install button.

Install BlogEngine.NET 6

For now, you will have finalized the installation process. You can now start customizing the platform and enjoying its simplicity. You should also check the great themes that are offered among other features. Your webpages will change to accommodate the new platform, and you will have a great new look. Note that some web hosting allows you to test BlogEngine.NET before installation and also gives you information on how to install BlogEngine.NET in WebSitePanel from their site.